NM Gas Company plans to build a 1 billion cubic foot Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) peak shaver facility in Rio Rancho near the Double Eagle Airport. The facility would be 25 acres on a 160-acre parcel.
Join the Community Forum on Liquified Natural Gas in Rio Rancho
This Tuesday, July 11th, at 6 pm at Taylor Ranch Library located at 5700 Bogart St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120.
In-person and Zoom will be available for this meeting. Is LNG safe for Rio Rancho? It is close to 40,000+ residents and 7 schools. It includes transport by tanker trucks which would increase truck traffic on roads. LNG poses unique safety risks for firefighters and first responders as fires are extremely difficult to control. Recent LNG explosions in the US: June 2023, Cameron Louisiana, Town was evacuated within a one-mile radius after an LNG explosion June, 2022, Freeport LNG, Texas there was an explosion sending a 450ft fireball and neighborhoods were evacuated. In 2014 Plymouth LNG in Washington exploded, injuring 4 employees and 200 people were evacuated.