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News & Events / Eventos de Earth Care y YUCCA

Writer's picture: Earth CareEarth Care
Earth Care & YUCCA are wishing all those living and with family up north and down south safety as fires rage on and grow. The newest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was just published earlier this month and the conclusions are clear; Fossil Fuels Must End To Prevent 'Unlivable World'. Check out this Guardian article about the IPCC report and recommendations. The IPCC, a team of the world's leading climate scientists and researchers from 195 countries, released a new report on mitigating and reducing the impacts of global climate change. At this point we are on a fast track to an unlivable world due to current policies that would double the maximum warming our planet can handle. The report outlines the only option forward -- an end to all investment in fossil fuels, a rapid transition to renewables, and equity in transition globally and locally! Our local governments (like our current state administration) want to continue to invest in fossil fuel infrastructure like blue hydrogen, but we need to invest in a just transition plan now! This Earth Day, we must act and invest locally and globally in climate and environmental justice! Join us for Earth Day week to take action and get involved! Join YUCCA this Friday, April 22 at 5:00 pm for Earth Day! We will be hosting a Rally & March - RSVP here! Check out our calendar below for YUCCA & Earth Care events as well as other important community events happening in our area.
YUCCA will be releasing our 2022 Primary Election Climate Voters Guide during Earth Day weekend 🗳 We will be publishing our Climate Voter’s Guide for the 2022 Primary Election to help inform voters. There are important races from every NM House of Representative up for election to state offices & more! We want climate and social justice centered folks repping us in office. Follow election updates at & on our social media. We will also be sharing more information on the election leading up to the primaries on June 7! YUCCA Action

TUESDAY APRIL 19 / MARTES 19 DE ABRIL 6:00-7:30 PM Environmental Justice Campaign Report Back / Informe a la comunidad sobre nuestra Campaña de Justicia Ambiental
Come and hear about the EJ campaign led by EC & neighborhood leaders! We will review the overall campaign and what happened during the latest Public Hearing in late February 2022. We'll discuss next steps and how to get involved. We will get an update on our Civil Rights Complaint filed with the EPA for the state’s failure to provide appropriate language access, and, we will have a presentation on how to protect our children and families from pollution in the time of Covid. We're continuing to talk not only about the industrial areas in and around our neighborhoods, but also centering healthy communities and positive community development. Join via zoom here: ¡Venga y escuche sobre la campaña de Justicia Ambiental dirigida por Earth Care y líderes vecinales! Revisaremos la campaña en general y lo que sucedió durante la última audiencia pública a fines de febrero de 2022. Discutiremos los próximos pasos y cómo participar. Recibiremos una actualización sobre nuestra Queja de Derechos Civiles presentada ante la EPA por la falla del estado en proporcionar el acceso adecuado en Español, y ​​tendremos una presentación sobre cómo proteger a nuestros niños y familias de la contaminación en la época de Covid. Seguimos hablando no solo de las áreas industriales en y alrededor de nuestros vecindarios, sino también de centrar comunidades saludables y un desarrollo comunitario positivo. Únase a través de zoom aquí:
Friday April 22 // 5 PM Santa Fe Plaza YUCCA is hosting an Earth Day Rally and March to call attention to our climate crisis, the latest IPCC report, the fires in our state, our NM economy, and mitigating the climate crisis for our collective futures. Join us this Earth Day! Bring your signs & your friends & family! RSVP HERE
Friday April 22 // 2-6 PM ALBUQUERQUE, NM (LOCATION TBA) YUCCA is a part of Nuevo Mexico Prospera, a coalition of organizations united around recreating our economy so all our communities thrive. We are co-hosting this community event in Albuquerque on Earth Day 2022. We will be sharing out the official event page and details as they become available. NM Prospera Website

Community Closet Open Hours! Wednesdays April 20 & 27 6-8 PM Fridays April 22 & 29 2-5 PM Horas del Ropero Comunitario Miércoles 20 y 27 de abril 6-8 PM Viernes 22 y 29 de abril 2-5 PM
Community Swap Saturday April 30 // 12-6 PM Earth Care at the YMCA, 6600 Valentine Way Tianguis/Swap Comunitario Sábado 30 de abril // 12-6 PM Earth Care/YMCA, 6600 Valentine Way
WHERE: Earth Care at the YMCA, 6600 Valentine Way
In the spirit of sharing resources & recycling goods in our community, save the date for our next Community Swap in our Community Closet! Mark your calendars! If you’d like to volunteer or help for the Community Closet or Swap, contact Alma at DÓNDE: EARTH CARE en YMCA, 6600 Valentine Way ¡Con el espíritu de compartir recursos y reciclar bienes en nuestra comunidad, reserve la fecha para nuestro próximo Swap Comunitario en nuestro Ropero Comunitario! ¡Marquen sus calendarios! Si desea ser voluntario o ayudar con el armario comunitario o el intercambio, contacte Alma a FB Event Page for the Closet ++ FB Event Page for the Swap In the spirit of sharing resources and recycling goods in our community, save the date for our next Community Closet Swap! If you would like to volunteer or help with the Swap/Tianguis, contact Alma at -->Bring stuff to offer and take stuff you need/want. Here are some ideas of stuff you can bring and expect to be able to browse: New/gently used & clean clothing, Canned goods or non perishable, Toiletries, Seeds/garden items, Items for kids. Masks required! If you are feeling sick, please think of your neighbors and community and stay home. ¡Con el espíritu de compartir recursos y reciclar bienes en nuestra comunidad, reserve la fecha para nuestro próximo Swap Comunitario en ropero comunitario! -->Traiga cosas para ofrecer y tome las cosas que necesite Aquí hay algunas ideas de cosas que puede traer y que podrá encontrar: Ropa nueva / usada y limpia, Únicamente comida enlatada o no perecedera, Artículos de tocador como artículos de baño, etc., Semillas / artículos de jardín, Artículos para niños y mochilas ¡Se requieren cubrebocas! Si se siente enfermo, piense en sus vecinos y en la comunidad y quédese en casa.
Environmental Justice Days with Los Jardines Institute & Valle de Oro (South Valley ABQ) LJI & VDO will be hosting smaller events throughout the months of April and May to commemorate Environmental Justice Day. This year Environmental Justice Days is made up of small events throughout the months of April and May and will be located throughout our community. You can find the full schedule HERE! EJ Days Schedule Here
Saturday April 23/Sábado 23 de abril / 1:30-3 PM Member Meeting/Reunión de Miembros - Earth Care / YUCCA / Poder Familiar / Mutual Aid
We will be reporting back research on member models that we have been working on as well as sharing upcoming events! We are continuing to work on our own membership model with our members! This meeting will be on Zoom ( but we hope to have hybrid (in person & Zoom) options for future member meetings! RSVP HERE. Estaremos informando sobre los modelos de organización de membresía. ¡Seguimos trabajando en nuestro propio modelo de membresía con nuestros miembros! ¡También compartiremos nuestros próximos eventos! ¡Esta reunión será en Zoom (, pero esperamos tener opciones en persona y en línea para futuras reuniones de miembros! RSVP AQUI´
National Day of Missing & Murdered Indigenous Relatives - May 5, 2022 In preparation for 5/5/22, join Three Sisters Collective for a Sign Making Workshop on April 22 // 5-8PM at Alas de Agua, 1520 Center Drive They are also hosting Ribbon Skirt Class April 23 // 9AM at Santa Fe Indigenous Center call or text to RSVP 505-908-8628, 15 spots only. Save the date for the MMIR event on May 5th! More information

Earth Economy Mercado w/ Alas de Agua! Sunday April 24 Noon to 3pm @Wisefool New Mexico Come Buy, Trade, Barter with BIPOC And LGBTQIA+ Artists. The Earth Economy Art Mercado is a "gente-fication/"people-fication" event. It is also intended to focus on earth based economies and all the earth's abundance and creating a different type of relationship with artists and community. Event Page

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Earth Care New Mexico

A 501(c)3 non-profit organization

6600 Valentine Way, Bldg A

Santa Fe, NM 87507

Email: info (@)

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